Home Standby Generator Installation Contractor
The disruption of power for substantial lengths of time can occur at any time due to hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, snowfall and other natural calamities.
Having emergency backup power in such situations is not only essential for hospitals and commercial establishments but also in Bucks County homes to run critical appliances like lights, refrigerators, heaters and medical equipment.
There are basically two types of generators that can be used in an emergency: portable and Bucks County permanent standby generators. The main difference between the two is their output power and price.
In times of emergencies, portable Bucks County generators provide the most economical way of supplying back up power. Appliances are directly plugged into the generator using the recommended extension cord or alternatively are connected to the home wiring system using a transfer switch. Generators installed by our Bucks County Remodeling contractors come with an electric start or a pull start and loaded with many other features including the GFCI receptacles.
Our Bucks County Home Generator Installers Provide These Detailed Services